
Fri Nov 15, 2024 6:00 PM

Suede Soul Fridays

Suede Soul Fridays

If you are a salsa fanatic, you will love our salsa room at Suede Soul Sundays, with resident DJ Jojo. This event generally happens on the 3rd Sunday of every month. The salseras & salseros of Vancouver love this event!


Membership has its advantages:

Submit Events

Do you know of a dance event in your area that you would like to share? Click here to submit an event. Does not require membership.

Be an Event Scout

Do you have your finger on the pulse of dance events happening in your community? Gain access to our calendar where you can post those events anytime.


Advertise space is availabe on our site for you to promote your business.


We are always looking for great companies to help sponsor our events. Please ask us about sponsoring our next event.

Perform Random Acts of Kindness

Periodically, we get together and perform random acts of kindness in our communities. Please join us at our next event.


How much do you like dancing? We offer opportunities to get involved in some of the best dance events, local and across the country.